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Hayabusa2: Funkkontakt zum Asteroidenlander MASCOT
HAYABUSA2 Funkkontakt zum Asteroidenlander MASCOT Redaktion / Pressemitteilung des 6. Juli 2018
Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) zeigt ab dem 10. Juli 2018 in der unteren Rathaushalle Bremen eine neu konzipierte Ausstellung zur aktuellen Mission Hayabusa2 und MASCOT. Die japani…
Im Oktober soll der Roboter “Mascot” auf einem Asteroiden landen. Einen ersten Kontakt hat die Bodenstation nun zu dem Gerät hergestellt. Fehlt nur noch ein geeigneter Landeplatz.
A Russian Progress cargo spacecraft launched to the International Space Station today (July 9) to deliver supplies to the crew of Expedition 56 in record time.
Carrying almost three tons of food, fuel, and supplies for the International Space Station crew, the unpiloted Russian Progress 70 cargo craft launched at 5:51 p.m. EDT (3:51 a.m. July 10 in Baikonur) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Traveling about 250 miles over the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, the unpiloted Russian Progress 70 cargo ship docked at 9:31 p.m. EDT to the Pirs Docking Compartment of the International Space Station.
So schnell war vorher noch keiner: In gut dreieinhalb Stunden ist ein russischer Raumfrachter zur ISS geflogen. Alexander Gerst war dorthin zuletzt gut zwei Tage unterwegs.
Bislang konnte Roskosmos die Flugzeit zur ISS auf sechs Stunden drücken, nun gelang es in weniger als vier. Davon sollen bald Astronauten profitieren.
“We’re less than a month away from the launch of Parker #SolarProbe! Follow along with @NASA_LSP‘s countdown to T-zero”
In a new special episode on Science Channel, explore Jupiter with the Juno spacecraft.
Die Zukunft der Internationalen Raumstation ist bis 2024 gesichert. Danach soll die ISS gezielt in der Atmosphäre zum Absturz gebracht und die Überreste im Meer versenkt werden. Die NASA probt mit der Raumkapsel “Cygnus” jetzt schon einmal für dieses spektakuläre Manöver.
Feature – ISS Horizions Mission Alexander Gerst
‘Horizons’ is the name of ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst’s second mission to the International Space Station. The mission name evokes exploring our Universe, looking far beyond our planet and broadening our knowledge. Alexander would also like to make people realise that there is always a chance to go beyond their personal horizons.Alexander will be launched on 6 June with US astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev from the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan in the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. Alexander will take over command of the International Space Station for the second half of his mission. Alexander Gerst is the 11th German citizen to fly into space.The astronaut is now in the last stages of training for his challenging spaceflight. The science programme is packed with European research: more than 50 experiments will deliver benefits to people back on Earth and prepare for future space exploration.
“Horizons” – so heißt die nächste Mission des deutschen ESA-Astronauten Alexander Gerst. In knapp einem Jahr, Ende April 2018, soll der 41-jährige Geophysiker mit der Expedition 56/57 seine zweite “Fo…
Alexander Gerst: als Kommandant auf die ISS | Podcast omega tau – Episode 250
Host: Markus Völter
“Im April habe ich in Köln am Europäischen Astronautenzentrum Alexander Gerst getroffen, der dort gerade für seinen zweiten Flug zur ISS im Jahr 2018 trainiert. Er wird dann als erster Deutscher im Rahmen der Expedition 56/57 “Horizons” die Aufgabe des Kommandanten übernehmen. …”
Wie kann Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) den Astronauten bei ihrem Job im All helfen und was lernen wir für die Anwendung auf der Erde daraus? Wie verhalten sich lebende Zellen in Schwerelosigkeit? Was ma…
Die Seite mit der Maus – Wieso ist es im Sommer viel wärmer als im Winter? Warum gibt es Jahreszeiten und wer macht die Tage länger? Maustronaut Alexander Gerst beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Sonne, Mond und Sterne.
“So schockierend ,wir sägen an dem Ast, auf dem wir sitzen”
When you are floating around in a state of perpetual weightlessness, it is easy to lose muscle function and bone mass. However, an area we know much less about is the effect of microgravity on the Human Resting Muscle Tone (HMRT). Find out we are gaining knowledge in space to help here on Earth…
More research gear continues to be unloaded from inside and outside of the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft today. Back on Earth, another resupply ship is poised to blast off Monday on a quick delivery mission to the International Space Station.
Over the past couple of weeks ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst began testing how microgravity affects tissue and muscle tone, whether weightlessness has an impact on the way people perceive time, and the volume of nitric oxide in his breath.
“Eines der Experimente von @ESA_de @Astro_Alex während seiner #horizons-Mission: #FLUMIAS-unter Schwerelosigkeit “live” in Zellen schauen. #ISS #Forschung”
“Aurora & Blitze, Zeitraffer aus dem All. Irre. Wie ein lichtgewordenes Symphonieorchester. #Horizons”
Alexander Gerst ist auf seiner Mission ´Horizons – Wissen für Morgen´ zum zweiten Mal in der Internationalen Raumstation ISS.Im größten Technologieprojekt aller Zeiten entwickeln die Raumfahrtnationen Lösungen für die globalen Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft ´Gesundheit, Umwelt und…
Auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS haben der deutsche ESA-Astronaut Alexander Gerst und die Crew der Mission 56/57 mit den ersten Experimenten im europäischen Forschungsmodul Columbus begonnen. Unter anderem wurde für das Experiment Myotones die Skelettmuskulatur von Gerst vermessen…
Feature – NASA’s Insight Mars Lander
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
“Einblick” heißt der Lander, den die NASA am 5. Mai auf den Mars schicken will. “InSight” soll dem Roten Planeten erstmals in sein Innerstes blicken.
The InSight probe launched from California to investigate the interior of the Red Planet.
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
NASA’s next mission to Mars is weeks away from its May 2018 launch. InSight is more than a Mars mission. Its team members hope to unlock the mysteries of the formation and evolution of rocky planets, including Earth. For more about the mission, visit
While in its landed configuration for the last time before arriving on Mars, NASA’s InSight lander was commanded to deploy its solar arrays to test and verify the exact process that it will use on the surface of the Red Planet. During the test on Jan. 23, 2018, in a Lockheed Martin clean room in
Further News International Spacestation (ISS) /
Weiteres zur Internationalen Raumstation
SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft dropped 5,900 lbs. (2,700 kilograms) of cargo off at the International Space Station, including some unique space food and special treats for the astronauts.
Thomas Reiter war fast ein Jahr im All – unter anderen Bedingungen als Alexander Gerst heute. Über das Leben in der Raumstation und die erste Mission zum Mars.
Russia’s Progress 70 (70P) cargo craft delivered nearly 5,700 pounds of crew supplies and station cargo to the International Space Station on Monday less than four hours after launch. Meanwhile, the U.S. Cygnus resupply ship from Northrop Grumman tested its ability to boost the orbital…
Expedition 56 crew members are transferring cargo in and out of U.S. and Russian cargo ships today. Two astronauts are also planning to release a U.S. resupply ship on Sunday ending its mission at the International Space Station.
Earth / Erde
A year and a half after ministers declined to fund one mission to an asteroid, ESA is working on a second such mission that could support planetary defense.
GRACE-FO Hochpräzise Entfernungsmessung im All Redaktion / idw / Pressemitteilung des Deutschen 10. Juli 2018
NASA’s Earth-observing satellites do more than just science — they also help save lives.
Just a week after publishing a new tally of space junk, the European Space Agency was forced to nudge a satellite out of danger.
Solar System / Sonnensystem
Researchers for the first time recorded the gas giant’s vibrating plasma signal to Enceladus. And now you can listen to it too.
The essential building blocks of life have been discovered emanating from the subsurface ocean of one of Saturn’s moons.
New research by a trans-Atlantic team of scientists suggests that bacteria could survive in briny chemicals that exist on Mars, Enceladus, Europa, Pluto and possibly elsewhere…
The OSIRIS-REx asteroid-sampling probe remains on target for its December rendezvous with a big, potentially dangerous space rock.
Astrophotographer Damian Peach created an animation showing the dramatic effects of the global dust storm that has plunged the Martian surface deep into darkness.
New research shows the closest-ever view of Jupiter’s swirling auroras, revealing the complicated footprints left by its moons Io and Ganymede.
Beyond Solar System / Milchstraße & Kosmos
Earlier this week, NASA’s Kepler team received an indication that the spacecraft fuel tank is running very low. NASA has placed the spacecraft in a hibernation-like state in preparation to download the science data collected in its latest observation campaign.
KEPLER Ende der Mission kündigt sich an von Stefan Deiters 10. Juli 2018
NASA’s iconic Kepler space telescope — which has discovered 70 percent of the 3,750 exoplanets known to date — is running so low on fuel that the agency has put it into a hibernation-like state, agency officials announced today (July 6).
Politics / Politik
Lisa Pratt, the space agency’s new planetary protection officer, could soon oversee major shifts in regulations on public- and private-sector space missions
Technology / Technologie
Last week, India performed the first of a series of trials designed to qualify a crew escape system, which would get astronauts to safety in the event of a launch emergency. See video of the test here.
A new video compares the size of SpaceX’s rockets to well-known landmarks.
A space shuttle-era main engine is undergoing a series of daily test firings to demonstrate its suitability for use on a reusable spaceplane under development by the U.S. military.
SpaceX’s crew-rated Dragon spacecraft recently survived a parachute test during a mock abort, the company said on Twitter.
The Long March 9 will be a Saturn 5-class super-heavy-lift rocket comparable in capacity to the Space Launch System currently being developed under NASA.
Moskau, 6. Juli 2018 — Der führende russische Triebwerksbauer NPO Energomasch zweifelt an der Effektivität des Einsatzes mehrfach verwendbarer amerikanischer Raketenerststufen. Das US-Unternehmen SpaceX habe bisher nicht nachweisen können, dass der wiederholte Einsatz solcher Stufen…
The Cheops satellite in the cleanroom of Airbus Defence and Space Spain in Madrid.Cheops, the Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, will make observations of exoplanet-hosting stars to measure small changes in their brightness due to the transit of a planet across the star’s disc.The inform…
The first SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft has completed a series of tests at a NASA center that may put it closer to an uncrewed test flight later this year.
Entertainment / Unterhaltung
After reviewing an early script, Neil Armstrong’s elder son told the filmmakers behind Universal Pictures’ “First Man” that when it came to portraying his father’s astronaut career, “you mess with canonical history at your own peril.”
World / Welt
“As soon as next year, the United States plans to stop paying hundreds of millions of dollars a year to Russia for Soyuz seats, because it is developing its own transport to the space station. And the European Space Agency has signaled that it will stop launching Russian Soyuz rockets from its…
Virgin Orbit has received a license from the Federal Aviation Administration for the first launch of its LauncherOne vehicle, which the company hopes to perform later this summer.
As a member of the National Space Council’s users advisory group, Relativity Space CEO Tim Ellis sees himself as the voice of privately backed space startups.
Keith’s note: On 13 June 2018 NASA civil servant John Guidi, Deputy Director of the HEOMD Advanced Exploration Systems Division, participated in a FISO (Future In-Space Operations (FISO) Working Group) telecon. The title of his presentation was “NASA’s Changing Human Spaceflight Exploration…
Science / Wissenschaft
Glass beads, broccoli, severed worms, baby teeth and a whole lot of human spit are flying in space as part of student-designed experiments.
It is possible to split water into oxygen and hydrogen gas in zero gravity using sunlight, shows new study.
History / Geschichte
Chris Baker, Matt Fitch, Mike COllins aim to seperate fact from fiction, and put a face to the men and women involved with Apollo 11.
Skylab represented the United States’ first effort at long human space missions.
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