Title Image: © NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/ Ryan Fitzgibbons, Walt Feimer, Chris Meaney, Swarupa Nune, and Merav Opher)
Link: https://www.space.com/voyager-2-detects-heliopause-plasma-shield.html
Front Page / Titelseite
Two of a Space Kind: Apollo 12 and Mars 2020
Apollo 12 and the upcoming Mars 2020 mission may be separated by half a century, but they share several goals unique in the annals of space exploration.
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via Latest News – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program https://ift.tt/2gRBMK4
SpaceX’s 1st Full-Size Starship Prototype Suffers Anomaly in Pressure Test
The test campaign for SpaceX’s first full-size prototype of its Starship Mars-colonization vehicle may have lasted just a single day.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Ähnliche Prozesse wie auf der Erde formten und formen die Oberfläche des größten Saturnmondes
Kein anderer Himmelskörper im Sonnensystem ähnelt der Erde stärker als Titan. Der Saturnmond besitzt wie unser Heimatplanet einen Flüssigkeitszyklus, der aufgrund der sehr viel tieferen Temperaturen allerdings auf Methan statt auf Wasser basiert: Es gibt Seen und Flüsse aus Methan, Methan verdampft und es gibt Methan-Niederschläge. „Trotz der Unterschiede zwischen den beteiligten Stoffen und den Temperaturen gibt es viele Oberflächenstrukturen,…
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via Astronomie.de – Der große Feed mit allen News https://ift.tt/2hhCviI
Russland: Neuer Verhaltens-Kodex für Funkverkehr zwischen Flugleitzentrum und ISS-Segment
Der Funkverkehr zwischen dem Flugleitzentrum (ZUP) in Koroljow bei Moskau und dem russischen ISS-Segment läuft seit kurzem nach einem neuen Verhaltens-Kodex ab. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur RIA Nowosti am Montag meldet, soll dabei kurz, klar, deutlich, langsam (nicht mehr als 100 Wörter pro Minute), mit gleichbleibender Lautstärke und technisch versiert gesprochen […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
India Admits Its Moon Lander Crashed, Cites Problem with Braking Thrusters
It turns out that India’s crashed moon lander had an issue with its brakes.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
There’s a Violent Battle Between Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays, and Voyager 2 Just Passed Through it
At the edge of our solar system, a fierce battle rages between solar wind and interstellar rays. NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft has now passed through the frontlines.
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Will Europe Finally Get Its Asteroid-Deflection Mission Off the Ground?
Hera would observe the effects of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirect Test.
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Nasa Insight Mars Lander
International Space Station / Internationale Raumstation
Space Biology, Human Research in Middle of Spacewalk Preps
The Expedition 61 crew is gearing up for another complex spacewalk this Friday while juggling an array of advanced science duties today. Three new tiny satellites were also deployed from the International Space Station, continuing to expand the opportunities for space research and technology demonstrations.
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via Space Station https://ift.tt/1YeiiOv
Disease Therapy Research Ahead of Cargo Traffic and Spacewalks
Thanksgiving week starts with the Expedition 61 crew exploring the stresses microgravity imposes on organisms at the cellular level. The International Space Station is also ramping up for cargo traffic and another spacewalk in December.
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via Space Station https://ift.tt/1YeiiOv
Reflecting on the first #SpacewalkForAMS
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and his spacewalking partner NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan completed the first spacewalk to service the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) on 15 November with time to spare.
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration https://ift.tt/2NP4kAW
Astronauts Complete Intricate Tasks During Second Cosmic Repair Spacewalk
Expedition 61 Commander Luca Parmitano of ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan concluded their spacewalk at 1:35 p.m. EST. During the six-hour and 33-minute spacewalk, the two astronauts successfully cut a total of eight stainless steel tubes, including one that vented the remaining carbon dioxide from the old cooling pump. The crew members also prepared a power cable and installed a mechanical attachment device in advance of installing the new cooling system.
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via Space Station https://ift.tt/1YeiiOv
Astronauts Perform Spacewalk Surgery to Repair Cosmic Ray Detector
Astronauts Luca Parmitano and Andrew Morgan completed “surgery” outside of the International Space Station, slicing small metal tubes as part of the efforts to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), a state-of-the-art cosmic ray detector.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Start von Progress MS-13 erneut verschoben – Ursache: Technische Defekte
Der für den 1. Dezember geplante Start des russischen Frachtraumschiffs Progress MS-13 zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS muss erneut verschoben werden. Wegen „technischer Defekte“ könne er an diesem Tag nicht stattfinden, berichtet RIA Nowosti unter Berufung auf die GK Roskosmos, ohne allerdings Einzelheiten zu nennen. Das neue […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
SpaceX Will Launch Mighty Mice, Wild Physics and More to Space Station Next Month
The next SpaceX resupply launch to the International Space Station, scheduled for Dec. 4, will bring a host of science material to astronauts living and working on the orbiting laboratory.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
ISS: Roboter auf der Erde von ISS aus gesteuert
Könnte man aus dem Orbit interaktiv einen Roboter steuern, der beispielsweise auf dem Mars eine Erkundungsmission durchführt oder aber eine Station für künftige Marsbesucher errichtet? Die dafür nötige Interaktion von Mensch und Maschine wurde gestern von der Internationalen Raumstation ISS aus getestet: Luca Parmitano steuerte einen Roboter in den Niederlanden. (26. November 2019)
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via astronews.com – Aktuelle Meldungen – Raumfahrt https://ift.tt/2NsXcK3
Happy rovers
Last week’s dry-run of the Analog-1 experiment, in which Luca completed a “proficiency run” to test the system, set the stage for another flawless performance on 25 November.
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration https://ift.tt/2NP4kAW
Astronauts Research Disease Therapies Ahead of Complex Repair Spacewalk
Two Expedition 61 astronauts are getting up to speed with the fine repair techniques they will use next week during the 11th spacewalk of 2019. The International Space Station is also hosting intense biology work this week to improve the health of humans in space and on Earth.
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via Space Station https://ift.tt/1YeiiOv
Earth / Erde
Earth’s magnetic song recorded for the first time during a solar storm
Data from ESA’s Cluster mission has provided a recording of the eerie ‘song’ that Earth sings when it is hit by a solar storm.
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via Science & Technology https://ift.tt/2IJ7ZyJ
Solar Wind Plays Haunting Music on Earth’s Magnetic Field
When the sun’s particles hit Earth during solar storms, our planet breaks into “song.”
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Solar Wind Plays Haunting Music on Earth’s Magnetic Field
When the sun’s particles hit Earth during solar storms, our planet breaks into “song.”
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Indien startet Erderkundungssatelliten
Indien hat am Mittwoch einen Erderkundungssatelliten ins All geschossen. Die Trägerrakete PSLV-C47 mit Cartosat-3 und 13 kommerziellen US-Nanosatelliten an Bord stieg vom Satish Dhawan Space Centre auf der Insel Sriharikota auf, teilte die Raumfahrtagentur ISRO mit. Cartosat-3 dient vor allem der Entwicklung von Stadtprojekten, großer Infrastrukturen und der Landwirtschaft. […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
India Launches Advanced Earth-Mapping Satellite and 13 US Cubesats
An Indian rocket delivered 14 satellites to orbit tonight (Nov. 26), including 12 for U.S. Earth imaging company Planet and a prototype for Analytical Space.
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Moon / Mond
China’s Microsatellite Crash Site on the Moon Spotted by NASA Lunar Orbiter
A NASA spacecraft circling the moon has spotted the scar left by a Chinese satellite’s impact.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Solar System / Sonnensystem
Perspective view of Deuteronilus Mensae
This image from ESA’s Mars Express shows a region of Mars named Deuteronilus Mensae. This oblique perspective view was generated using a digital terrain model and Mars Express data gathered on 25 February 2018 during orbit 17913. The ground resolution is approximately 13 m/pixel and the images are centred at about 25.5°E/44°N. This image was created using data from the nadir and colour channels of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). The nadir channel is aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars, as if looking straight down at the surface.
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via ESA Space Science https://ift.tt/2NjpLvg
Fractured ice sheets on Mars
Where the two hemispheres of Mars meet, the planet is covered in broken-up terrain: a sign that slow-but-steady flows of icy material once forged their way through the landscape, carving out a fractured web of valleys, cliffs and isolated mounds of rock.
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via ESA Space Science https://ift.tt/2NjpLvg
Deuteronilus Mensae in context
This image shows a region of Mars named Deuteronilus Mensae. The area outlined by the bold white box indicates the area imaged by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera on 25 February 2018 during orbit 17913.
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via ESA Space Science https://ift.tt/2NjpLvg
PIA23441: Glancing Back
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via NASA’s Photojournal: Images taken by the Juno Mission https://ift.tt/2mlXY1E
The Downlink: Starliner Preps for Test Flight, InSight’s Mole Digs Again
Planetary exploration news for busy people
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via Planetary Society Blog https://ift.tt/QRHOCj
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Storm Isn’t Dying Anytime Soon
Despite the apparent shrinkage of clouds in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the storm itself is still going strong, new research suggests.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Global Storms on Mars Launch Dust Towers Into the Sky
A Mars Dust Tower Stands Out Dust storms are common on Mars. But every decade or so, something unpredictable happens: a series of runaway storms break out, covering the entire planet in a dusty haze.
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via Latest News – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program https://ift.tt/2gRBMK4
The Solar System According to Carolyn Porco
The leader of the Cassini spacecraft imaging team discusses pale blue dots, life on Enceladus, terraforming Mars, Pluto, Carl Sagan, and more.
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via Planetary Society Blog https://ift.tt/QRHOCj
Beyond Solar System / Milchstraße & Kosmos
Hubble studies gamma-ray burst with the highest energy ever seen [heic1921]
New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have investigated the nature of the gamma-ray burst GRB 190114C.
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via Science & Technology https://ift.tt/2IJ7ZyJ
Politics / Politik
Russland warnt vor einer Katastrophe – Erste Reaktion auf NATO-Weltraumstrategie
Die Entscheidung der NATO-Außenminister vom Mittwoch in Brüssel, auch den Weltraum zu einer Sphäre militärischer Aktivitäten zu machen, ist in Russland auf heftige Kritik gestoßen. „Das kann meiner Meinung nach die Weltgemeinschaft in eine Katastrophe führen“, sagte der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Verteidigungskomitees der Staatsduma, Juri Schwytkin, im Radio Sputnik. Die […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
A Detailed Look At China’s Space Ambitions
“- China’s goal to establish a leading position in the economic and military use of outer space, or what Beijing calls its “space dream,” is a core component of its aim to realize the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” In pursuit of this goal, China has dedicated high-level attention and ample funding to catch up to and eventually surpass other spacefaring countries in terms of space-related industry, technology, diplomacy, and military power. If plans hold to launch its first long-term space station module in 2020, it will have matched the United States’ nearly 40-year progression from first human spaceflight to first space station module in less than 20 years.
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via NASA Watch http://nasawatch.com/
Technology / Technologie
SpaceX Starship Fails A Tanking Test
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via NASA Watch http://nasawatch.com/
Nanoracks Books SpaceX Rocket to Launch Space Habitat Demo in 2020 (Cubesats, Too!)
Nanoracks wants to expand from hosting experiments on board the International Space Station to running their own mini stations built from used rockets, with a first launch scheduled for next year.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Luca aces telerobotic lunar geology test drive
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano took command of a rover in the Netherlands on Monday and expertly drove it over an obstacle course to collect a rock from a sampling site– all while circling our planet at 28 800 km/h on the International Space Station
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration https://ift.tt/2NP4kAW
Cheops on the move
The Cheops satellite during transfer from building S5C to the payload facility of S5A through the internal corridor, as part of launch preparations at Europe’s spaceport in Kourou, French Guyana. The satellite is being moved on its multi-purpose trolley under the supervision of Airbus staff and with the support of the spaceport team. During all phases, a dedicated plastic bag protects the satellite and its payload are protected from contamination.
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via ESA Space Science https://ift.tt/2NjpLvg
Solar Orbiter launch campaign begins
ESA’s mission to the Sun has been unpacked following its arrival in Florida earlier this month, ready to begin pre-launch testing and checks.
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via ESA Space Science https://ift.tt/2NjpLvg
ISS-Experiment Analog-1: Astronaut steuert Rover auf der Erde
Das ISS-Telerobotik-Experiment Analog-1 hat am Montag mit Hilfe von robotischer Technologie des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) stattgefunden.
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
China startet zwei BeiDou-Navigationsssatelliten
China hat am Samstag zwei Satelliten seines BeiDou-Navigationssystems (BDS) gestartet. Die Trägerrakete Langer Marsch-3B stieg vom Weltraumbahnhof Xichang in der Provinz Sichuan auf, meldet die Pekinger Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua. Es sind dies der 50. und 51. Satellit des Systems und der 319. Start einer Langer Marsch-Rakete.
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
NASA Updates Mars 2020 Mission Environmental Review
NASA and the Department of Energy have completed a more detailed risk analysis for the Mars 2020 rover launch from Florida.
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via Latest News – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program https://ift.tt/2gRBMK4
Chinese Rocket Launches 2 Satellites (and Drops Debris on Settlement)
China’s space agency launched two new navigation satellites into orbit Saturday (Nov. 23) in a successful mission that also appeared to send booster segments crashing into a settlement back on Earth.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Tesla’s New ‘Cybertruck’ Has a Bit of SpaceX’s Starship for Mars in Its Bones
Tesla’s newly unveiled electric pickup truck has some off-Earth flavor, according to Elon Musk.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Ariane 5 bringt zwei Kommunikationssatelliten ins All
Nach mehreren Anläufen hat eine Ariane 5 ECA am Dienstag zwei Telekommunikationssatetelliten ins All gebracht. Die schwere Europa-Rakete mit dem ägyptischen Satelliten TIBA-1 und Inmarsat GX5 an Bord stieg um 22.24 Uhr vom Weltraumbahnhof Kourou in Französisch-Guyana auf, teilte Arianespace mit. Zuvor mussten mehrere Startversuche wegen technischer […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellites into Orbit for Egypt, Inmarsat
Two communications satellites launched into orbit aboard Arianespace’s workhorse rocket today (Nov. 26) in a to increase connectivity for mobile, civil and government customers.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
World / Welt
Every Company Is a Space Company, Some Just Don’t Know it Yet! (Op-Ed)
A remarkable transformation has occurred in the past few years that many businesses and people are only marginally aware of — outer space has become an indispensable part of the value chains for many business sectors.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
Ernst oder Provokation? Russischer Kosmonaut sagt Austritt der USA aus ISS-Programm voraus
Ist das ernst gemeint oder eine bewusste Provokation? Der russische Zweifachkosmonaut Sergej Rjasanski sagt voraus, dass die USA aus dem ISS-Programm aussteigen, sobald ihre bemannten kommerziellen Raumschiffe einsatzbereit sind. Die damit frei werdenden Mittel würden dann für die bemannte Raumstation eingesetzt, die den Mond umkreisen soll, […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski https://ift.tt/2TkXF6m
Entertainment / Unterhaltung
The Burn
ESA’s flight controllers use the best software and systems to fly our missions — but do they have the cool savvy needed to handle a wonky engine and a time-critical manoeuvre?Set in the near future, ‘The Burn’ is a new short film that tells the story of what happens when an ESA mission control team encounters an unexpected anomaly in what should be a routine manoeuvre.
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via ESA Operations https://ift.tt/2Cb0kp1
ESA Explores Spacecraft Operations: Behind The Burn
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via ESA Operations https://ift.tt/2Cb0kp1
Science / Wissenschaft
Building a Planet B for Humanity Isn’t a Good Enough Reason to Explore Space
Listen to would-be space explorers for long enough, and eventually they will likely argue that humans must develop outposts on other worlds in case of disaster here on Earth, as a so-called Planet B.
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via Space.com https://ift.tt/2CqOJ61
NASA’s Webb to Unveil the Secrets of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
In two separate studies using NASA’s upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, a team of astronomers will observe dwarf galaxy companions to the Milky Way and the nearby Andromeda galaxy.
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via Webb Telescope Features http://www.nasa.gov/
History / Geschichte
50 Jahre Mondlandung – Ein Auto auf dem Mond?
Anlässlich des 50-Jährigen-Jubiläum der Mondlandung hat unser Astronomie.de-Autor Malte Bolte einen mehrteiligen Artikel erstellt.
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via Astronomie.de – Der große Feed mit allen News https://ift.tt/2hhCviI