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Title picture: Künstlerische Darstellung des Sternsystems Kepler-1649 (Bild: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter)
Vom Algorithmus aussortiert: Erdähnlichster Exoplanet in Kepler-Daten gefunden
Auch Jahre nach der Abschaltung von Kepler liefert das Weltraumteleskop weiter. Nun haben Forscher in den Daten den wohl erdähnlichsten Exoplaneten gefunden.
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via heise online News
Earth-Size, Habitable Zone Planet Found Hidden in Early NASA Kepler Data
A team of transatlantic scientists, using reanalyzed data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, has discovered an Earth-size exoplanet orbiting in its star’s habitable zone, the area around a star where a rocky planet could support liquid water.
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via Kepler News and Features
ISS: CIMON-2 mit gelungenem Einstand auf der ISS
Auch CIMON-2, die Weiterentwicklung des kugelförmigen Astronautenassistenten, hat seine Fähigkeiten an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation ISS in ersten Tests erfolgreich demonstriert. Dies zeigte jetzt die Auswertung der entsprechenden Experimente an Bord. CIMON-2 arbeitete mit dem ESA-Astronauten Luca Parmitano zusammen. (20. April 2020)
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via – Aktuelle Meldungen – Raumfahrt
Hubble Probes Alien Comet’s Chemical Makeup
Astronomers have uncovered more than 4,000 planets that orbit stars outside our solar system. But they have few details on the planets’ chemical makeup and how they were assembled inside a swirling disk of rock and ice encircling their stars. The stars are too far away for us ever to visit them and see the planet-making recipe close-up. Now, a sample from a distant star system has landed in our solar system’s back yard.
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via Hubble – News feed
Hubble observes aftermath of massive collision [heic2006]
What astronomers thought was a planet beyond our solar system, has now seemingly vanished from sight. Astronomers now suggest that a full-grown planet never existed in the first place. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope had instead observed an expanding cloud of very fine dust particles caused by a titanic collision between two icy asteroid-sized bodies orbiting the bright star Fomalhaut, about 25 light-years from Earth.
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via Science & Technology
NASA astronauts may train on private suborbital spaceships
NASA astronauts may use suborbital flights as training opportunities, while human exploration of the moon could open the door to more science.
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Intelsat satellite resumes operations after docking of robotic servicer
An Intelsat communications spacecraft running low on fuel has resumed commercial operations more than 22,000 miles (nearly 36,000 kilometers) over the Atlantic Ocean after getting an assist from a pioneering servicing satellite earlier this year.
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via Spaceflight Now
Earth Day: taking the pulse of our planet
Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. For Earth-observing satellites, every day is Earth Day. While news of COVID-19 dominates headlines and many of us practice social distancing, there still remains the need for action on climate change – and satellites are vital in providing the key facts on this global issue.
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via ESA Top News
Sun / Sonne
Data from Parker Solar Probe’s Third Orbit Now Available to the Public
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe team released a second collection of science data to the public on April 14, 2020. The release includes science data from all four of Parker Solar Probe’s instrument suites, spanning the mission’s third orbit around the Sun, which began on June 18, 2019 and completed on November 15, 2019. Also included are high-resolution measurements from the FIELDS and SWEAP instruments.
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via Parker Solar Probe
International Space Station / Internationale Raumstation
Grand tour of the International Space Station with Drew and Luca
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and NASA astronaut Drew Morgan take you on a unique tour of the International Space Station shot in one take with two cameras strapped together. Luca and Drew take it in turns to guide you through the modules and spacecraft docked to the orbital outpost.
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration
Sojus MS-15 Besatzung sicher auf die Erde zurückgekehrt – Übliche Empfangszeremonie wegen Coronaviruspandemie gestrichen
as Raumschiff Sojus MS-15 mit dem russischen Kosmonauten Oleg Skripotschka und seinen amerikanischen Kollegen Andrew Morgan und Jessica Meir ist am Freitagmorgen sicher von der Internationalen Raumstation ISS wieder auf die Erde zurückgekehrt.
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via Gerhard Kowalski
NASA Astronauts Meir, Morgan, Crewmate Skripochka Return from Space Station
NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Andrew Morgan returned to Earth Friday, along with Soyuz Commander Oleg Skripochka of the Russian space agency Roscosmos.
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via NASA Breaking News
Touchdown! Expedition 62 Returns to Earth, Completes Station Mission
NASA astronauts Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir, and Oleg Skripochka landed on Earth at 1:16 a.m. EDT in Kazakhstan. The trio departed the International Space Station in their Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft at 9:53 p.m.
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via Space Station
Crew Boards Soyuz Crew Ship and Closes Hatches
At 6:44 p.m. EDT, the hatch closed between the Soyuz spacecraft and the International Space Station in preparation for undocking. NASA astronauts Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir and Oleg Skripochka of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, are scheduled to undock their Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft at 9:53 p.m
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via Space Station
Soyuz MS-15 safely lands with US, Russian crew from space station
NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan, who launched to the International Space Station 50 years to the day after the first astronauts landed on the moon, has safely returned to Earth on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 13 splashdown.
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SpaceX: Termin für Flug der “Crew Dragon”-Kapsel zur ISS steht fest
Die NASA hält an ihrem Termin im Mai für einen bemannten Testflug der SpaceX-Raumkapsel fest: Am 27.5. soll es soweit sein.
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via heise online News
NASA to Host Preview Briefings, Interviews for First Crew Launch with SpaceX
With the first mission to return human spaceflight launches to American soil now targeted to lift off May 27, NASA will highlight the historic flight with a series of news conferences Friday, May 1, that will air live on NASA Television and the agency’s website.
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via NASA Breaking News
Advanced Space Research Ahead of Weekend Cargo Mission
Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy of NASA continued working on a variety of science hardware throughout the International Space Station today. His two crewmates worked in the orbiting lab’s Russian segment on their complement of science and maintenance.
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via Space Station
Expedition 63 Starts Science, Readies for Cargo and Commercial Crew
The three-member Expedition 63 crew is beginning its first full workweek and kicking off science aboard the International Space Station. More space traffic continues this week, as Russia gets ready to launch its next Progress resupply ship late Friday.
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via Space Station
Earth / Erde
Air pollution remains low as Europeans stay at home
Further analyses are showing the continued low levels of nitrogen dioxide concentrations across Europe – coinciding with lockdown measures implemented to stop the spread of the coronavirus. New data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, from the European Union Copernicus programme, show some cities seeing levels fall by 45—50% compared to the same period last year.
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via ESA Newsroom
COVID-19: Aeolus and weather forecasts
We are all too aware that COVID-19 is a serious threat to health, is putting huge pressure on healthcare systems and it could leave the global economy struggling for years to come. With lockdown measures in force across the globe, the pandemic is also affecting aspects of everyday life that may not be so obvious. The drop in commercial flights, for example, has led to fewer measurements for weather forecasts, but fortunately, ESA’s Aeolus satellite mission is helping to fill the gap.
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via ESA Top News
Ending global plant tracking, Proba-V assigned new focus
ESA’s cubic-metre-sized Proba-V minisatellite will soon end its nearly seven-year global mission to monitor the daily growth of all Earth’s vegetation. As Copernicus Sentinel-3 takes on this task instead, Proba-V will be free to perform experimental monitoring over Europe and Africa – including co-observations with new companion missions.
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via ESA Top News
50 Jahre „Earth Day“ – Satelliten beobachten dramatische Veränderungen unserer Erde
Millionen Menschen gingen am 22. April 1970 in den USA auf die Straßen, um gegen Ölpest, Umweltverschmutzung, Walfang und Giftmüll zu demonstrieren. Sie begründeten damit eine Initiative, die schon bald den gesamten Globus erfasste: Die Umweltbewegung, an die heute der „Earth-Day“ erinnert. Sie hat unsere Zivilisation vielfach mit wesentlichen Erkenntnissen […]
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Moon / Mond
Intuitive Machines announces moon mission’s launch date, landing site
Intuitive Machines, under contract to carry NASA science instruments to the moon on a privately-developed robotic spacecraft, said this week its first commercial lunar mission will target landing in October 2021 near a deep, narrow valley named Vallis Schröteri.
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via Spaceflight Now
ESA helps analyse untouched Moon rocks
Almost 50 years after the Apollo missions returned lunar material to Earth, ESA experts are helping to uncover the secrets of two previously unopened samples to learn more about ancient processes on the Moon – and to refine and practice techniques for future sample return missions.
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration
China wants a piece of the moon. Here’s how it plans to handle lunar samples.
A glimpse into China’s readiness to handle samples from the moon reveals steps to be taken for storage, processing and preparation of the specimens.
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Intuitive Machines announces moon mission’s launch date, landing site
Intuitive Machines, under contract to carry NASA science instruments to the moon on a privately-developed robotic spacecraft, said this week its first commercial lunar mission will target landing in October 2021 near a deep, narrow valley named Vallis Schröteri.
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via Spaceflight Now
ESA helps analyse untouched Moon rocks
Almost 50 years after the Apollo missions returned lunar material to Earth, ESA experts are helping to uncover the secrets of two previously unopened samples to learn more about ancient processes on the Moon – and to refine and practice techniques for future sample return missions.
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via ESA Human and Robotic Exploration
China wants a piece of the moon. Here’s how it plans to handle lunar samples.
A glimpse into China’s readiness to handle samples from the moon reveals steps to be taken for storage, processing and preparation of the specimens.
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Solar System / Sonnensystem
PIA23803: Churning Texture in Jupiter’s Atmosphere
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via NASA’s Photojournal: Images taken by the Juno Mission
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft aces asteroid-sampling dress rehearsal
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, which is getting ready to scoop a sample of asteroid Bennu, has successfully completed a partial dress rehearsal for its historic trip to the asteroid’s surface.
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Beyond Solar System / Milchstraße & Kosmos
Cheops observes its first exoplanets and is ready for science
Cheops, ESA’s new exoplanet mission, has successfully completed its almost three months of in-orbit commissioning, exceeding expectations for its performance. The satellite, which will commence routine science operations by the end of April, has already obtained promising observations of known exoplanet-hosting stars, with many exciting discoveries to come.
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via ESA Newsroom
Cheops: the science begins
ESA’s first mission dedicated to the study of exoplanets is about to start its science operations after successfully completing its in-orbit commissioning phase.Cheops (Characterising Exoplanet Satellite) was launched from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on 18 December 2019. Since then the telescope cover opened and started observing its first stars. Now that the spacecraft, telescope’s optical performance, detectors and electronics are all working as planned, Cheops will study hundreds of known exoplanets orbiting bright stars.
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via ESA Space Science
Hubble Spots Spirals Within a Spiral
A galaxy having so many distinct rings is rare, making NGC 2273 unusual. Galaxy NGC 2273 hosts an inner ring and two outer “pseudorings.” Rings are created when a galaxy’s spiral arms appear to loop around and nearly close upon one another.
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via NASA Image of the Day
Spitzer California Nebula Mosaic Callout
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via Image Gallery
Exoplanet Apparently Disappears in Latest Hubble Observations
What do astronomers do when a planet they are studying suddenly seems to disappear from sight? In the legendary Star Wars galaxy (you know, “a long time ago and far, far away”) the planet might have been the victim of the evil empire’s planet-zapping Death Star. But this is pretty improbable in our own cosmic back yard. The missing-in-action planet was last seen orbiting the star Fomalhaut, just 25 light-years away. (In fact, Fomalhaut is so close to us that it’s one of the brightest stars in the sky, in the constellation of Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish.)
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via Hubble – News feed
Hubble Sees a Galaxy With Spiral Arms, Surrounded by Other Spiral Arms
The post Hubble Sees a Galaxy With Spiral Arms, Surrounded by Other Spiral Arms appeared first on Universe Today.
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Politics / Politik
Rogosin: Russland arbeitet trotz der Coronavirusepidemie voll an der Verwirklichung der militärischen Weltraumprogramme
Die GK Roskosmos sei im Gegensatz zur US-Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde NASA und der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation ESA keine staatliche Agentur. „Wir sind eine Korporation, die sich nicht nur mit der zivilen, sondern auch der militärischen Raumfahrt befasst“, sagte Generaldirektor Dmitri Rogosin am Sonntag in einem Interview der […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski
Iran startet erfolgreich ersten Militärsatelliten
Die Iranischen Revolutionsgarden haben erfolgreich den ersten Militärsatelliten des Landes gestartet. Noor (Licht) soll am Dienstag an der Spitze einer zweistufigen Trägerrakete von einem Startplatz in Zentraliran aufgestiegen sein und seine vorausberechnete Umlaufbahn in 425 Kilometern Höhe erreicht haben, teilte das Staatsfernsehen mit. Dem erfolgreichen Start gingen mehrere Fehlversuche mit […]
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Technology / Technologie
Russia tests anti-satellite missile and the US Space Force is not happy
Russia just fired an anti-satellite missile in a test of technology that the U.S. Space Force considers a threat to American orbital assets.
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Wheels and Helicopter Attached to Perseverance Rover
The Perseverance rover was recently integrated with its wheels and Mars Helicopter, as part of its final preparations before launch this summer.
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via Universe Today
SpaceX test-fires rocket for Starlink launch next week
SpaceX test-fired a Falcon 9 rocket with a previously-flown first stage booster Friday at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, keeping pace for a launch scheduled next Thursday, April 23, with the next batch of 60 Starlink broadband Internet satellites.
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via Spaceflight Now
Sojus-2-Nachfolger fliegt mit Methan und erhält eine wiederverwendbare Stufe
Der Nachfolger der russischen Mittelklasse-Trägerrakete Sojus-2 wird mit Methan angetrieben und erhält auch eine wiederverwendbare Stufe. Ihre Arbeitsbezeichnung lautet Sojus-SPG (SPG steht für flüssiges Erdgas), teilte GK Roskosmos-Chef Dmitri Rogosin in einem Rundfunkinterview mit. Der Entwurf der Rückkehr-Stufe (SW) laufe unter Krylo-SW (Krylo heißt Flügel) und sei eine Gemeinschaftsentwicklung des […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski
NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Gets Balanced
The mission team performed a crucial weight-balancing test on the rover in preparation for this summer’s history-making launch to the Red Planet.
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via Latest News – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program
NASA narrows design for rocket to launch samples off of Mars
After years of studies, test-firings and a survey of U.S. industry in preparation for launch of a Mars Sample Return mission in 2026, NASA has settled on a solid-fueled design for a miniature rocket with a first-of-its-kind purpose: Launching a payload from Mars for a trip back to Earth.
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via Spaceflight Now
World / Welt
Coronavirusepidemie erreicht GK Roskosmos – Bisher drei Tote
Die Coronavirusepidemie hat jetzt auch die GK Roskosmos erreicht. Bisher hätten sich 42 der rund 200.000 Mitarbeiter infiziert, wurde von der Presseabteilung der russischen Raumfahrtagentur mitgeteilt. Bisher seien drei Tote zu beklagen. Bei zwei von ihnen sei erwiesenermaßen das Virus die Ursache, beim Dritten, der einer beidseitigen Lungenentzündung erlag, bestehe […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski
Airbus unterstützt Frankreich und Indien mit TRISHNA bei der Überwachung des Klimawandels
Die französische Raumfahrtagentur CNES hat mit Airbus Defence & Space einen Vertrag über die Entwicklung und den Bau des thermischen Infrarot-Instruments für den Satelliten TRISHNA unterzeichnet. TRISHNA (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High resolution Natural resource Assessment) wird der neueste Satellit einer gemeinsamen französisch-indischen Flotte zur Klimabeobachtung […]
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via Gerhard Kowalski
How NASA’s Perseverance Mars Team Adjusted to Work in the Time of Coronavirus
Like much of the rest of the world, the Mars rover team is pushing forward with its mission-critical work while putting the health and safety of their colleagues and community first.
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via Latest News – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program
Russian space official tests positive for coronavirus after attending Soyuz crew launch to space station
A Russian space official has tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
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