Front Page / Titelseite
Saturn has a ravioli moon, so why shouldn’t there be a dumpling asteroid?
Die japanische Sonde Hayabusa 2 rückt dem Asteroiden Ryugu auf die Pelle. Am 27. Juni soll sie dort ankommen und einen Besucher aus Deutschland absetzen: den Lander MASCOT. Das Gerät des DLR soll dem prung unseres Sonnensystems nachforschen.
Over the past 18 months, ESA and its Member States have gathered in a series of space exploration workshops culminating in a discussion in the ESA Council held in Paris on 13 June 2018. The Council discussed Europe’s ambition to play a leading role in the global exploration of space bas…
A huge dust storm began forming on Mars in May 2018 and had expanded to nearly encircle the planet by the middle of June. See images of the storm here.
NASA’s long-lived Opportunity Mars rover is weathering a monster dust storm that has plunged its environs into permanent darkness.
As an intense dust storm rages on Mars, many are wondering — how bad can a Martian storm really be?
Seit fast 15 Jahren rollt der Mars-Roboter Opportunity über den roten Planeten. Nun zwingt ihn aber ein Staubsturm auf dem Mars zu einer Pause.
Feature – ISS Horizions Mission Alexander Gerst
‘Horizons’ is the name of ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst’s second mission to the International Space Station. The mission name evokes exploring our Universe, looking far beyond our planet and broadening our knowledge. Alexander would also like to make people realise that there is always a chance to go beyond their personal horizons.Alexander will be launched on 6 June with US astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev from the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan in the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. Alexander will take over command of the International Space Station for the second half of his mission. Alexander Gerst is the 11th German citizen to fly into space.The astronaut is now in the last stages of training for his challenging spaceflight. The science programme is packed with European research: more than 50 experiments will deliver benefits to people back on Earth and prepare for future space exploration.
“Horizons” – so heißt die nächste Mission des deutschen ESA-Astronauten Alexander Gerst. In knapp einem Jahr, Ende April 2018, soll der 41-jährige Geophysiker mit der Expedition 56/57 seine zweite “Fo…
Alexander Gerst: als Kommandant auf die ISS | Podcast omega tau – Episode 250
Host: Markus Völter
“Im April habe ich in Köln am Europäischen Astronautenzentrum Alexander Gerst getroffen, der dort gerade für seinen zweiten Flug zur ISS im Jahr 2018 trainiert. Er wird dann als erster Deutscher im Rahmen der Expedition 56/57 “Horizons” die Aufgabe des Kommandanten übernehmen. …”
Wie kann Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) den Astronauten bei ihrem Job im All helfen und was lernen wir für die Anwendung auf der Erde daraus? Wie verhalten sich lebende Zellen in Schwerelosigkeit? Was ma…
Die Seite mit der Maus – Wieso ist es im Sommer viel wärmer als im Winter? Warum gibt es Jahreszeiten und wer macht die Tage länger? Maustronaut Alexander Gerst beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Sonne, Mond und Sterne.
Alexander Gerst, a German astronaut for the European Space Agency, is about to sweat for science.
Unser heutiges Bild des Tages zeigt den deutschen ESA-Astronauten Alexander Gerst bei der Arbeit im europäischen Forschungslabor Columbus, das Teil der Internationalen Raumstation ISS ist. Er arbeitet gerade mit dem ESA-Experiment Grip, bei dem die Auswirkungen der Schwerkraft auf das…
Puhhh, Astro_Alex ist zur ISS gestartet und wir waren mit 11 Kindern zwischen 5 und 11 Jahren fast mit dabei. OK, wir waren ungefähr 4000 km vom Startplatz entfernt und fast 4 Stunden zu spät, aber…
Kurz vor dem Start von Alexander Gerst gab es eine Pressemeldung der Stiftung KinderHerz zum Interview mit Volker Schmid, dem verantwortlichen DLR-Missionmanager, über Mut in der Raumfahrt – im All…
The world’s first flying, autonomous, artificially intelligent (AI) astronaut assistant will soon get to work in space.
“Busy times here with spacewalk and experiments, but we arrived safely on the @Space_Station!
War viel los diese Woche: Habe einen Außenbordeinsatz unterstützt und bereits eine Reihe von Experimenten durchgeführt – wir sind gut auf der ISS angekommen!#Horizons…”
“A tool that has helped guide sailors across oceans for centuries is now being tested aboard the @Space_Station as a potential emergency navigation tool for guiding future spacecraft across the cosmos. Read more:”
Have you ever considered yourself capable of manipulating gravity? When you grip an object, you are doing just that.Gravity is constantly exerting its force on objects, most notably by keeping everything weighed down. But when you lift a cup to your mouth, you are playing against gravity.…
Feature – NASA’s Insight Mars Lander
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
“Einblick” heißt der Lander, den die NASA am 5. Mai auf den Mars schicken will. “InSight” soll dem Roten Planeten erstmals in sein Innerstes blicken.
The InSight probe launched from California to investigate the interior of the Red Planet.
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
With its seismometer and heat probe instruments, InSight will investigate the deep dynamics of Mars, helping scientists discover what lies within its core and learn more about how rocky bodies form throughout the solar system.
Further News International Spacestation (ISS) /
Weiteres zur Internationalen Raumstation
Two NASA astronauts took a spacewalk today (June 14) to continue preparations for the arrival of the first commercial crew vehicles that will launch to the International Space Station later this year.
Expedition 56 Commander Drew Feustel and Flight Engineer Ricky Arnold of NASA switched their spacesuits to battery power at 8:06 a.m. EDT, signifying the official start of today’s planned six-and-a-half-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station.
Expedition 56 Commander Drew Feustel and Flight Engineer Ricky Arnold of NASA completed the sixth spacewalk at the International Space Station this year at 2:55 p.m. EDT, lasting 6 hours, 49 minutes. The two astronauts installed new high-definition cameras that will provide enhanced views…
The Expedition 56 crew‘s schedule is full of space science today as cleanup continues after last week’s spacewalk. The International Space Station’s three newest crew members also brushed up on their safety skills.
For the first time, an astronaut on the International Space Station has called a nonmilitary vessel; NASA’s Drew Feustel called the Viking Orion cruise ship.
Moskau, 20. Juni 2018 — Der erste Kosmonaut der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) fliegt im April 2019 mit den Russen für zehn Tage zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Das haben die GK Roskosmos und die VAE vereinbart, teilte die Raumfahrtagentur am Mittwoch auf ihrer Homepage mit.
You can sign up now for a 10-day mission in Earth orbit, if you’ve got $55 million to spare. That’s the all-inclusive price just announced by Axiom Space, a Houston-based company working to build the first private space station.
The Expedition 56 astronauts huddled together today finalizing preparations for Thursday’s spacewalk to ready the International Space Station for commercial crew vehicles. The crew members also managed to squeeze in some human research and physics experiments today.
Filmmaker Ridley Scott Creates 2018 International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory Mission Patch
Moskau, 18. Juni 2018 — Russland kündigt den nächsten Start eines Frachtraumschiffs mit Nachschub für die Internationale Raumstation ISS an. Progress MS-09 solle am 10. Juli um 00.51 Uhr Moskauer Zeit (9. Juli 23.51 Uhr deutscher Zeit) an der Spitze einer Sojus-2.1a-Trägerrakete von…
Earth / Erde
Between 1992 and 2017, Antarctica lost a staggering amount of ice — more than three trillion tons, according to a new analysis.
The blazing-fast particles that whirl through Earth’s radiation belts are propelled mostly by whistling “chorus” waves, according to new research from two NASA satellite missions.
Wien, 20. Juni 2018 – Der Generaldirektor des russischen Staatskonzerns GK Roskosmos, Dmitri Rogosin, hat sich besorgt über die zunehmende Vermüllung des Weltraums geäußert. Der Weltraummüll bedrohe vor allem jene Satelliten, die sich auf niedrigen Erdumlauf- und auf…
Schmelzendes Eis in der Antarktis hat seit 1992 den Meeresspiegel um 7,6 Millimeter angehoben. Dabei fand über die Hälfte dieses Anstiegs in den vergangenen fünf Jahren statt. Das hat ein internationales Wissenschaftlerteam in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt herausgefunden, für das S…
Solar System / Sonnensystem
NASA doesn’t expect to make decisions on how it will carry out a Mars sample return effort until late next year despite recent discoveries.
Die US-Weltraumbehörde will Drohnen in Bienengröße für den Mars entwickeln – mit Flügeln. Die kleinen Geräte sollen den Planeten einmal aus der Luft erkunden.
The relay satellite which will facilitate China’s Chang’e-4 lunar far side landing mission late in 2018 has entered its intended halo orbit around Earth-Moon Lagrange point 2.
NASA’s Juno spacecraft took this color-enhanced image at 10:31 p.m. PDT on May 23, 2018 (1:31 a.m. EDT on May 24), as Juno performed its 13th close flyby of Jupiter. At the time, the spacecraft was about 4,900 miles (7,900 kilometers) from the tops of the clouds of the gas giant planet at a…
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 10, 2018 from an altitude of about 24 miles (38 kilometers).
This image of Ceres’ limb was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on May 30, 2018 from an altitude of about 280 miles (450 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 33 miles (53 kilometers).
This image of was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 30 miles (48 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 30 miles (48 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 27 miles (44 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 41 miles (66 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 from an altitude of about 48 miles (77 kilometers).
This image of the eastern rim of Occator Crater was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 10, 2018 from an altitude of about 22 miles (36 kilometers).
This image was obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on June 10, 2018 from an altitude of about 25 miles (40 kilometers).
Beyond Solar System / Milchstraße & Kosmos
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory has probed the origins of dark matter and revealed much about the parts of the universe we can’t see visually.
Politics / Politik
Donald Trump proposed a ‘Space Force’ to help maintain U.S. military dominance in space. But the U.S. already has a similar fighting force.
USA Trump will Space Force aufbauen von Stefan Deiters 19. Juni 2018
Die einfache Präsenz im All reicht Donald Trump nicht mehr aus. Nun will der US-Präsident das All mit einer eigenen “Space Force” dominieren – und ordnet die Schaffung einer Weltraumarmee an.
“June 14, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, the U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee will hold a Subcommittee on Space hearing titled, NASA Cost and Schedule Overruns: Acquisition and Program Management Challenges. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the Government Accountability Office’s…
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine used a recent speech to discuss recent space policy changes that directly affect NASA activities and other developments.
Technology / Technologie
Russia’s space agency is developing a novel method for dealing with space junk: vaporizing it with lasers.
The Silicon Valley startup SpinLaunch, which aims to change the way small satellites get to orbit, has just secured $40 million to continue developing its technology.
A new startup called Aevum aims to launch satellites to Earth orbit every three hours using rockets carried on a fully autonomous unmanned airplane.
Today the President will sign Space Policy Directive 3 (SPD-3) at the National Space Council meeting being held at the White House. SPD-3 deals principally with space traffic management. This morning in a media call National Space Council Executive Director Scott Pace said the U.S. needs to ave…
Das neue Triebwerksmodell ETID (Expander-Cycle Technology Integrated Demonstrator), das für Schwerlastraketen der nächsten Generation wie Ariane-6 eingesetzt werden soll, hat seinen ersten Brenntest e…
TRÄGERRAKETEN Triebwerksteile aus dem 3D-Drucker Redaktion / Pressemitteilung des DLR 18. Juni 2018
Entertainment / Unterhaltung
The madcap imagination of U.S. rocketry founder and occultist Jack Parsons features in the new television show streaming today (June 14).
In the latest episode of the Facebook Watch series “Spacing Out with the Everyday Astronaut,” host Tim Dodd explains why rockets need to be so big to launch heavy payloads.
Coheed and Cambria performed the band’s song “Here to Mars” with the National Symphony Orchestra Pops at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., on June 1, 2018.
Stella, Tom und Plutinchen dürfen mit ihrem SpaceRacer zum Mond. Staubwischen ist angesagt. Doch so langweilig ist das gar nicht …
World / Welt
Astronaut Peggy Whitson, who has spent more time in space than any other American, is retiring from NASA effective today (June 15), agency officials announced.
Washington, 16. Juni 2018 — US-Astronautin Peggy Whitson geht in Rente. Die 58-Jährige wurde am Freitag aus dem Astronautenkorps verabschiedet, dem sie seit 1996 angehörte. NASA-Chef Jim Bridenstine würdigte ihre großen Verdienste um die amerikanische und internationale Raumfahrt.
Space reporter Samantha Mathewson embarks on the maiden voyage of the cruise ship Viking Orion along with NASA astronaut Anna Fisher, the first mom in space and godmother to the ship. Read her travelogue here.
Satellite rideshare company Spaceflight Inc. on June 11 signed on as the anchor customer for three Electron launches from Rocket Lab.
Space tourists could soon celebrate their arrival in the final frontier with a few glasses of bubbly.
A former NASA astronaut, speaking at a National Space Council meeting June 18, said that a key element of NASA’s lunar plans should be reconsidered.
Science / Wissenschaft
Astronaut activity caused the mysterious warming detected by the Apollo moon missions in the 1970s, a new study suggests.
This strange bacterium can thrive in even lower-energy light than previously thought.
THESEUS Das frühe Universum im Visier Redaktion / idw / Pressemitteilung der Universität Tübingen 15. Juni 2018
With government leaders and space organizations aiming to bring humans back to the moon, how do astronauts train to work on the lunar surface? A really, really deep pool.
History / Geschichte
Berlin, 16. Juni 2018 — Am 16. Juni 1963 ist die Russin Walentina Tereschkowa (auf dem Foto mit GK Roskosmos-Chef Dmitri Rogosin) als erste Frau in den Weltraum gestartet. Sie war damit der 12. Mensch im All. Der Flug im Raumschiff Wostok 6 dauerte 2 Tage 22 Stunden und 50 Minuten. Zeitgleich…
Before Sally Ride left her personal stamp on space history, the astronaut found a passion for collecting space-topical stamps. The first American woman to fly into space, Ride was honored with a United States postage stamp of her own.