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Ob Fluggeräte fliegen können, hängt von der Dichte der Atmosphäre ab. Die des Mars ist sehr dünn. Trotzdem will die Nasa dort einen Helikopter fliegen lassen. Sie verbindet damit eine bestimmte Hoffnung.
It’s official. NASA is sending a helicopter drone to Mars as part of the 2020 rover mission.
NASA is adding a Mars helicopter to the agency’s next mission to the Red Planet, Mars 2020.
NASA is adding a Mars helicopter to the agency’s next mission to the Red Planet, Mars 2020.
MARS 2020 ROVER Experimenteller Hubschrauber für den Mars von Stefan Deiters 14. Mai 2018
Watch two astronauts take a spacewalk outside the International Space Station today (May 16).
A “lunar library” created by the nonprofit Arch Mission Foundation will be among the payloads toted to the moon by Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander in 2020, representatives of the two organizations announced today (May 15).
Feature – ISS Horizions Mission Alexander Gerst
‘Horizons’ is the name of ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst’s second mission to the International Space Station. The mission name evokes exploring our Universe, looking far beyond our planet and broadening our knowledge. Alexander would also like to make people realise that there is always a chance to go beyond their personal horizons.Alexander will be launched on 6 June with US astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev from the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan in the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. Alexander will take over command of the International Space Station for the second half of his mission. Alexander Gerst is the 11th German citizen to fly into space.The astronaut is now in the last stages of training for his challenging spaceflight. The science programme is packed with European research: more than 50 experiments will deliver benefits to people back on Earth and prepare for future space exploration.
“Horizons” – so heißt die nächste Mission des deutschen ESA-Astronauten Alexander Gerst. In knapp einem Jahr, Ende April 2018, soll der 41-jährige Geophysiker mit der Expedition 56/57 seine zweite “Fo…
Alexander Gerst: als Kommandant auf die ISS | Podcast omega tau – Episode 250
Host: Markus Völter
“Im April habe ich in Köln am Europäischen Astronautenzentrum Alexander Gerst getroffen, der dort gerade für seinen zweiten Flug zur ISS im Jahr 2018 trainiert. Er wird dann als erster Deutscher im Rahmen der Expedition 56/57 “Horizons” die Aufgabe des Kommandanten übernehmen. …”
Astronaut Alexander Gerst strahlt bei seinem letzten Auftritt vor dem zweiten Flug zur internationalen Raumstation ISS bis über beide Ohren: Im blauen ESA-Trainingsoverall schildert er die Ziele der Mission “Horizons”.
Im Juni startet Alexander Gerst zu seiner Mission “Horizons” ins All. Damit er dort oben nicht so alleine ist, ist unser “Astro-Mainzel” schon mal vorgeflogen und wird ihn auf der ISS empfangen. Wir haben exklusiv die Trainingsstationen unseres Mainzelnauten verfolgt und dokumentiert.
Wenn am 6. Juni der deutsche Astronaut Alexander Gerst das zweite Mal zur Internationalen Raumstation fliegt, werden wieder unzählige, große und kleine Raumfahrtfans vor dem Bildschirm sitzen und m…
Im Juni startet Alexander Gerst zu seiner zweiten Weltraummission und wird als erster Deutscher das ISS-Kommando übernehmen. Die Station ist für ihn “ein Stück Heimat”.
Sternenstädtchen, 12. Mai 2018 — Der deutsche ESA-Astronaut Alexander Gerst, sein russischer Sojus-Kommandant Sergej Prokopjew und die amerikanische Astronautin Serena Aunon-Chancellor haben ihr komplexes Prüfungstraining im Kosmonautenausbildungszentrum (ZPK) Juri Gagarin im…
Am 6. Juni fliegt Alexander Gerst für ein halbes Jahr zur Raumstation ISS. Vor dem Start gewährt der Weltraumstar einen Blick in seinen Koffer. Der heikelsten Frage weicht er allerdings aus.
Feature – NASA’s Insight Mars Lander
The InSight lander will study the interior of Mars and listen for Marsquakes.
“Einblick” heißt der Lander, den die NASA am 5. Mai auf den Mars schicken will. “InSight” soll dem Roten Planeten erstmals in sein Innerstes blicken.
The InSight probe launched from California to investigate the interior of the Red Planet.
“Breaking up is hard to do . . . but not if you’re Marsbound! Even though my Atlas V-401 ride was cozy, I had to separate from my rocket to continue my path to #Mars. Now I’m settling in for the six-month trip. Watch my separation:”
On 5 May 2018, ESA’s 35 m-diameter deep-space radio dish at New Norcia, Western Australia, monitored NASA’s InSight spacecraft, providing critical tracking support during launch and early operations on its journey to Mars. ESA’s New Norcia station maintained contact with&nb…
MarCO is a pair of tiny spacecraft that launched with NASA’s InSight lander today.
En route to the Red Planet are NASA’s Mars Cube One (MarCO) CubeSats. The two MarCO CubeSats were launched on May 5 along with NASA’s InSight lander, a spacecraft that will touch down on Mars November 26 and study the planet’s deep interior for the first time. “CubeSats have never…
Further News International Spacestation (ISS) /
Weiteres zur Internationalen Raumstation
Week three. The time is flying by. The SpaceX Dragon cargo craft is 80% loaded. This has been a big effort for the crew as well as our specialists on the ground. Tracking a large matrix of storage locations, special requirements and loading locations is a nightmare, but our team on the ground made…
Two NASA astronauts are finalizing their preparations ahead of Wednesday morning’s spacewalk to swap thermal control gear outside the International Space Station. The Expedition 55 crew also worked on biomedical operations, radiation checks and Cygnus communications gear.
The Expedition 55 crew on board the International Space Station has been working hard to prepare for Wednesday’s spacewalk, and they’ll still have a lot of difficult work ahead of them when Flight Engineers Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel head outside the airlock. If you’ve ever wondered what…
Two Expedition 55 Flight Engineers are using virtual reality and computer training today to prepare for next week’s spacewalk at the International Space Station. Robotics controllers from Houston and Japan are also maneuvering a pair of robotic arms for the upcoming spacewalk and satellite…
The launch went as planned. Our Soyuz spacecraft did a great job getting the three of us to the International Space Station (ISS).
At 22:00, after initial “safing” and unpacking of Soyuz, we finally retired to our quarters. It was very hard to sleep, and I think the busy days leading us to the International Space Station (ISS) were beginning to take their toll. We were scheduled for a full day of work to include…
Veteran astronauts Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel will embark on the 210th spacewalk Wednesday at the International Space Station to swap out thermal control gear. The experienced spacewalkers have a combined 10 spacewalks between them with Feustel having conducted seven and Arnold with a total of…
The International Space Station will be orbiting a little higher this weekend to prepare for the departure of three Expedition 55 crew members and the arrival of a new Russian cargo craft. The docked Russian Progress 69 resupply ship will fire its engines Saturday at 6:07 p.m. EDT for two minutes…
Moskau, 10. Mai 2018 — Die erneute Verschiebung des Starts des Mehrzweck-Labormoduls (MLM) Nauka (Wissenschaft) auf nunmehr Ende nächsten Jahres ermöglicht Russland die Mitnahme eines Weltraumtouristen zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Da bis zur Inbetriebnahme des Moduls die Besatzung…
Koroljow, 13. Mai 2018 –- Die Umlaufbahn der Internationalen Raumstation ISS ist in der Nacht zum Sonntag planmäßig um 600 Meter angehoben worden. Dazu seien die Triebwerke des Frachters Progress MS-08 um 00.07 Uhr deutscher Zeit für 172 Sekunden gezündet worden, teilte das…
Earth / Erde
NASA’s Voyager 1 took a classic portrait of Earth from several billion miles away in 1990. Now a class of tiny, boxy spacecraft, known as CubeSats, have just taken their own version of a
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station can see the plumes of the ongoing volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii from space and shared the sight on Twitter.
A NASA Earth-observing satellite has given us another view of the volcanic eruption underway on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Solar System / Sonnensystem
The case for a giant plume of water vapor wafting from Jupiter’s potentially life-supporting moon Europa just got a lot stronger.
This movie, based on images taken by ESA’s Mars Express, showcases the 102 km wide Neukum Crater in the southern hemisphere of Mars.The crater is named for the German physicist and planetary scientist, Gerhard Neukum, one of the founders of ESA’s Mars Express mission who inspired and led …
“.@NASA_TESS Mission Update: Perigee 3 Maneuver (P3M) was completed successfully with nominal performance from the thrusters. #TESS is on its way to a lunar flyby at 06:34:35 UTC on 17th May. @NASAMoon here we come!”
NASA and the Cassini team have given us another gorgeous blast from Saturn’s past — a 2006 photo showing the razor-thin rings edge on, along with the planet’s limb and three of its moons.
Juno snapped photos of swirling clouds above Jupiter’s south pole on April 1. Citizen scientists have used the new images to create a stunning animation, illustrating the evolution of the gas giant’s swirling cloud tops.
The Juno spacecraft that is currently orbiting Jupiter has obtained the first good images of Jupiter’s polar regions. I am presenting here a combined global map of Jupiter, made from a Cassini map I made for the equatorial and temperate regions and polar maps made from the Juno JunoCam and JIRAM…
Beyond Solar System / Milchstraße & Kosmos
Ant Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Politics / Politik
The chairman of the Senate’s space subcommittee vowed May 8 to block any attempt to end operations of the International Space Station in the mid-2020s.
Technology / Technologie
Integration of ESA’s Cheops science instrument (top) with the spacecraft platform (bottom) in the cleanroom at Airbus Defence and Space in Madrid, Spain. The science instrument, which includes among other elements the telescope and detector, was built and tested at the University of Bern…
Vertreter der Medien erhalten am 22. Mai im Reinraum von Airbus Defence and Space in Madrid die einmalige Gelegenheit, den Satelliten zur Charakterisierung von Exoplaneten, Cheops, gemeinsam mit einschlägigen Experten in Augenschein zu nehmen.
CHEOPS satellite integration. Click here for details and large versions of the video. Credit: Airbus Defence and Space Spain
Vertreter der Medien erhalten am 22. Mai im Reinraum von Airbus Defence and Space in Madrid die einmalige Gelegenheit, den Satelliten zur Charakterisierung von Exoplaneten, Cheops, gemeinsam mit einschlägigen Experten in Augenschein zu nehmen.
SpaceX debuted the new version of its Falcon 9 rocket, known as the Block 5, on May 11, 2018, with a flawless satellite launch and first-stage landing on a ship at sea. See pictures of the booster and the spaceflight action here.
Bangabandhu Satellite-1 Mission (Youtube)
Bangabandhu Satellite-1 will be deployed into a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) approximately 33 minutes after launch.The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 mission will be the first to utilize Falcon 9 Block 5, the final substantial upgrade to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Falcon 9 Block 5 is designed to be capable of 10 or more flights with very limited refurbishment as SpaceX continues to strive for rapid reusability and extremely high reliability.Following stage separation, SpaceX will attempt to land Falcon 9’s first stage on the “Of Course I Still Love You” droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.
The newest, and final, version of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket debuted today (May 11) with a picture-perfect satellite launch — and the booster’s first stage aced its landing as well.
Cape Canaveral, 11. Mai 2018 — Im zweiten Anlauf hat der US-Konzern SpaceX hat am Freitagabend erfolgreich einen Telekommunikationssatelliten aus Bangladesch gestartet. Die Falcon 9 Block 5-Trägerrakete mit Bangabandhu-1 an der Spitze stieg um 22.14 Uhr deutscher Zeit vom Weltraumbahnhof…
When it comes to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, the company’s most daring customers have been NASA and satellite fleet operator SES. Now add Bangladesh to that mix.
SpaceX will try again today (May 11) to launch its first-ever “Block 5” Falcon 9 rocket, and you can watch the action live.
SpaceX aborted the first launch of its upgraded Falcon 9 rocket, called the Block 5, less than a minute before liftoff Thursday (May 10). The next launch opportunity comes on Friday (May 11), SpaceX says.
SpaceX Chief Executive Elon Musk on May 10 went into detail on modifications made to the latest version of the Falcon 9, including redesigning a pressure vessel implicated in the rocket’s 2016 pre-launch explosion.
The new “Block 5” Falcon 9, which debuted Friday (May 11) with a flawless launch and first-stage landing, will take rocket reusability to bold, new heights very soon if everything works out, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said.
China is set to launch a relay satellite to the second Earth-moon Lagrange point May 21, in a necessary precursor to the planned Chang’e-4 soft-landing on the lunar far side late in the year.
A new NASA probe will use incredibly tiny, rolled tubes of carbon to analyze rocky objects like asteroids, which may hold chemical clues about the origin of the solar system and its rocky inhabitants.
The Vega rocket is a launch vehicle for small- to medium-sized satellite payloads.
For materials that show incredible strength, transmit information with barely any loss, form enormous crystals or even grow into organs, the harshness of space can be the perfect construction zone.
Ariane 5 is a European heavy-lift rocket that takes satellites and other payloads into Earth orbit.
China is set to launch a relay satellite to the second Earth-moon Lagrange point May 21, in a necessary precursor to the planned Chang’e-4 soft-landing on the lunar far side late in the year.
The feature is a tale of two NASA ELaNA CubeSats post launch. The CubeSats flew on JPSS-1 as part of the NASA ELaNA educational program.
BepiColombo gets settled in to its temporary home base at Europe’s Spaceport to prepare for launch to Mercury later this year
Video is not supported To Mercury, via Europe’s Spaceport. Click here for details and large versions of the video. Credit: ESA
The second flight of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket is now scheduled for no earlier than October 30, 2018.
SpaceX fans eager to watch the second launch of the company’s massive Falcon Heavy rocket should forget about witnessing a second spectacle in June and sit tight for a few more months.
Entertainment / Unterhaltung
On Thursday (April 19), spacefaring alumni returned to their alma mater, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, to inspire a new generation of innovators.
World / Welt
Moskau, 16. Mai 2018 — Der russische Raumfahrtkonzern RKK Energija bietet ausländischen und einheimischen Kunden seine Sojus– und Progress-Raumschiffe sowie sein Segment in der Internationalen Raumstation ISS für wissenschaftliche Experimente an. Das geht aus dem Bericht des…
The NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) has awarded five-year grants to three research teams who will hunt for life in the universe.
Moskau, 14. Mai 2018 — Russland plant offenbar den Bau eines Frachtraumschiffes, das auch Nutzlasten von der Internationalen Raumstation ISS auf die Erde bringen kann. Das schlussfolgern russische Medien aus einer Meldung des Raumfahrtkonzerns RKK Energija, dass im August kommenden…
NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite fell back to Earth on April 30, after a lifetime spent probing emissions from black holes and neutron stars.
A House funding bill approved by an appropriations subcommittee May 9 will help keep a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa on track for a launch in 2022.
Science / Wissenschaft
Explorations in Earth’s space environment by NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft have discovered a surprising new magnetic event in turbulent plasma.
History / Geschichte
Berlin, 15. Mai 2018 — Vor 60 Jahren, am 15. Mai 1958, wurde Sputnik 3 gestartet. Eigentlich sollte das 1.327 Kilogramm schwere Wissenschaftslabor bereits am 4. Oktober 1957 den Reigen der sowjetischen künstlichen Erdsatelliten eröffnen. Doch die Akademie der Wissenschaften (AdW)…
Justin Cowart reprocesses Viking Orbiter images from the 1970s and 1980s to reveal their unique and beautiful perspectives on the planet.
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